Invest in Your Health with Personalized Functional Services

Your health is your most valuable asset. Learn about the investment required for our personalized nutrition programs and functional lab testing. At Balanced Approaches, we offer transparent pricing for services that bring long-lasting wellness and freedom to your life.

90 minutes

Initial Health History

Includes your initial health history


90 minutes

Lab Review

We will take 1 hour to review the results of your labs with a functional perspective using evidence-based optimal reference ranges. Alyssa will take the time on her own to review your labs & then set up a call to help you understand your physiology.


4 month commitment

Personalized Plan

Includes your initial health history, functional lab analysis, and therapeutic meal & lifestyle protocol.

$592 TOTAL

Custom workout plan

If you're just looking to optimize training, hop on a 30 minute call with Alyssa so she can inquire about the details to build your custom workout plans.


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What we can help with

Start Feeling Better Today

Send me a message to start the conversation on how you can start the next steps of your health and wellness journey.